Image of Edi and Sophie the Chatbot –  an experienced team


Edi and Sophie the Chatbot – an experienced team

The two software solutions Edi and Sophie now work together hand in hand. Their recent integration now enables receipts to be recorded via Microsoft Teams before Edi returns its statements to Sophie.

Who (or what) are Edi and Sophie?

Sophie is the digital HR assistant for your employees and adds value to HR throughout the employee lifecycle. As a chatbot in Microsoft Teams, it is the central contact for all HR enquiries, tasks and processes. Sophie is constantly at your disposal: answering questions, reminding you of important appointments or tasks, helping you to enter data and much more.

Edi is a Cloud expenses solution which makes the processing of expenses quick and easy – from recording to approval and payment. Calculation and tamper-proof VAT archiving is included as standard. Based on our experience from a wide range of completed projects, we tailor the Edi to your requirements in consultation with you, so that you can meet all compliance requirements in this area as well.

What does the integration of Edi and Sophie have to offer?

This integration means that expense receipts can now also be entered via Microsoft Teams. You just have to send a photo of the receipt to Sophie via the chat. Sophie automatically recognises the type of document or image and forwards the receipt directly to Edi.

In addition to the familiar email reporting an expense receipt for approval, Edi now sends the prepared statements to Sophie in real time. This means that accounts can be checked, annotated, rejected or approved directly in Microsoft Teams. Regular reminders are sent so that no message is forgotten. 

Queries about the expenses policy? Employees who are no longer sure how much they are to be reimbursed per kilometre or the cost limit for a lunch can simply ask Sophie. It responds to employees round the clock and immediately via chat. 

What advantages does the integration of Edi and Sophie have to offer?

The integration is ready for use in just a few clicks and is free of charge to existing Edi customers. The extension in MS Teams now makes the expenses process even easier, more flexible and more efficient. 


Contact HR Campus now and try it out. 

Portrait of Melanie Truninger

Melanie Truninger

